Wednesday 16 February 2011

Sheaf Square

Providing an upbeat welcome to visitors arriving by train, and as part of the regeneration of Sheffield city center, AECOM has completed the award-winning scheme for Sheaf Square.
The contemporary-style public space incorporates exciting water features, art installations and seating areas, along with new road layouts and a public transport interchange. This new gateway also forms part of the Gold Route connecting the station to the city center.
Formerly a run-down area in front of the main railway station dominated by a busy roundabout on a steep slope, the site offered poor access for pedestrians into the city center. Its transformation included creating a new road network, demolishing an old office building, and improving pedestrian links. At the same time, redevelopment opportunities were identified for shops and other businesses to create active frontages to animate and frame the public square.
AECOM led a multidisciplinary team comprising civil, geotechnical and transportation engineers, quantity surveyors, lighting designers, and artists specializing in glass and stainless steel. In a modern interpretation of Sheffield's traditional steelworking skills, one of the key art installations is Cutting Edge, a stainless steel wall with brightly coloured glass, illuminated at night, made by local artists. The design team also featured a unique partnering arrangement with Sheffield City Council's Urban Design and Environmental Planning team. AECOM prepared designs up to detailed planning level.

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