Tuesday, 22 February 2011

AECOM- London Olympics 2012

2012 Olympics - Legacy Masterplan Framework, London, U.K.

Building on the success of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Masterplanning work, we are leading a consortium developing a Legacy Masterplan Framework (LMF) for the Olympic Park. We are working in collaboration with Olympic Delivery Authority, Greater London Authority, London Development Agency, Design for London, five Olympic Host Boroughs and the local community.
The 2012 Olympic Games have created a unique opportunity for the regeneration and redevelopment of an entire urban district in London. The preparation of the LMF is central to the realization of this objective. We have been commissioned to lead a multi-disciplinary team to deliver a regeneration framework for the Olympic Legacy leading to a new piece of London within the Lower Lea Valley. The task is to develop and test a framework masterplan accompanied by a series of detailed strategies in relation to social infrastructure, housing, employment, leisure & culture, town planning, transport, water, waste, strategic sustainability, infrastructure, energy and climate change.
The purpose of the preferred Legacy Framework is to establish the key principles to achieve the overarching urban regeneration ambitions for the site over a long period of time - the LMF currently envisages an “end-state” in 2040.
The LMF proposals currently being developed are unprecedented given the size of the site area, the quantum of proposed development, complexity and the expected long timescale of the development period. A paramount objective for us is to create a high quality urban environment and a development that can respond to the changing character of the Legacy site over time.

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